We have introduced an atomization module that enables depositing CNC using spraying between layers. CNC will have nano-stitching effect increasing the interlayer adhesion.
We are using air for spraying and water as solvent which both are safe to work in large scale fabrication
Spraying CNC with concentrations of 0.5-1 wt% in water increase the interlayer adhesion by 44%.
CNC with concentrations of 0.5-1 wt%, alters failure mechanisms: bonded rasters with brittle fracture and higher adhesion between layers.
Polymer composites/nanocomposites represent a radical alternative to conventional filled polymers or polymer blends. In contrast to conventional systems, the reinforcement in the nanocomposites has at least one dimension in the nanometer range. Fabricating polymer nanocomposites with desired properties using scalable techniques in additive manufacturing and understanding the process-structure-property using regular and high-performance polymers is a focus in PCAM lab.